
... this sucks

...well, this isn't a vampire/reflections post i'm referencing, tho it may as well be. my fantastic laptop & my external harddrive managed to fail me this week. on monday AM, i was working till almost 1am with nooooo problems at all. my lappy was fine, in fact shutting down with no hiccups.

i came to work at 6am, and upon firing up the portable PC, i get the error,"no operating system found." well shit. two technicians later, and even after a friend's professional data recovery team hit both the lappy harddrive and the external unit to try to save my data... i'm shit outta luck.

i've lost about a years worth of designs, artwork, most of my REFLECTIONS comic and more. they were able to recover some of the comic, 'bout back at the starting point 6 months ago when i started to post entire pages... but ALL the data since (4-5 pages worth) is gone gone gone.

when i purchased my external harddrive, i promised to be dilligent in backing up my data on a religious level. well, i failed that. i had prolly 3 backups performed of my critical data and somehow over the past 4 months, i only backed up WORK data and not my artwork...

shit shit shit shit shit. this is sooo depressing. thankfully, for portfolio's sake and production possibilities, it's a blessing that i posted HI RESOLUTION pages online. i right-clicked the sonofabeeches and saved them to my NEW external HD and my NEW damned expensive lappy.

back up your stuff peoplz. do it NOW. use a CDR, a DVD, an external HD, or online "virtual harddrives" you can purchase through your internet provider. most of you, who follow my blogs know that i've been so damned busy i've not been able to get "back to" my art on this site. this week, with my time off... i was hoping to get back to it. monday's events have depressed me to the point of not wanting to get outta bed. soooo, we'll see how it goes given that realistically i need to spend time reconstructing all i've lost, and not worrying about the new pages...

oh, and my favorite word of this week is, "shit," in case you hadn't noticed. between my lil' mr puddins bring confirmed with terminal cancer and losing all my work... i'm not inna wonderous mood.

hope yer all doing better. seriously. go hug a puppy for me or something.


"K" Fingerett said...

::hugs for you and some puppy::

I'm sorry, B :'(

But no worries, I'm sure you'll get everything done/together in due time ^_^

::more hugs::

thanks for stopping by- thats always a treat :)

::even more hugs::


EE said...

Oh no!!!! Speaking from experience...I DID back up all my photos and then the fucking things ended up being corrupt. Someone, somewhere was after me... I swear.

That freaking SUCKS!

Unknown said...

Oh Brian, you are such a sweet guy. The artwork on your page is already beautiful and I'm sure what you come up with next will be even better. ::huggles::

Jack K. said...

I thought you said you were going to create things again for this site.

I am the impatient one, aren't I?

No pressure, man, no pressure.

giggle, tee hee. snerx.