
... reflections

... in a mirror or into one's soul? do i have a soul? sometimes i'm not so sure. i've lived through some horrible things in my life. when i finished this graphic novel in 1998, (production into actual comics wasn't until 1991) it was jes a story... true that it prolly had a little of me in it, the cynical side, the humor, the narrating to oneself. what i didn't realize until only recently is that when people tell me after they read it in it's entirety, they stop to look at me and normally say, "whoa, this is a lot like you..." hmmmm. is this a compliment? i dunno. guess i'll jes leave it up to you, the audience to judge, comment, and question as i take you through the story of sean the vampire. enjoy this latest taste. (is it coppery?)


Anonymous said...

Duuuuuuude! I'm so happy to see this stuff here... you've made my 'ittle day!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading what you have and I can't wait to see more :)

Adrianne said...

I like it.

(word verification: pinkt
Kind of appropriate for a vampire strip)