
... college is for scribblers

... well at least it was for me. some of you know that i went to cornish college of the arts. infamous for their dancers, theatre, (i partied like hell with brandon frasier for 2 of those years) and their graphic design & fine arts programs. during the first two terms, i was able to dorm at the seattle university campus due to an arrangement between the colleges.

i became quite immersed in two campuses. a fine experience to be sure! it didnt' take me long tho to find the local campus newspaper and offer my design and layout skills. (also a handy way to utilize their technologies and resources at the time for my school projects!) within weeks, i was asked to create a comic strip to run 2 x a week in their newspaper.

i had very little time between runs, so thankfully i have multiple styles of drawing techniques i pulled upon. admittedly, back then comics like Bloom County and others were in publication, so certain facial features and such were likely inspired, but i think this comic stood well on it's own. over the next 10 weeks or so the 'you're in college now' comic ran and delighted most on campus.

as with most all of these posted "works," i've scanned in the original artwork, cleaned it up, and in this case, reframed the panels and added some color, new 'typed' text and such!

you'll learn quickly that most events were inspired by true events experienced by yours truly. hell, the damned main character is a spittin' image of me. if i were jes' lines of black ink... enjoy and feel free to comment!

don't forget, to view this larger, click on it.. but then, when the NEW image comes up, drag your mouse over the image again until you see the square appear on the bottom right... you can click THAT icon and view full screen so text is legible! cheers!


Anonymous said...

*giggle* I remember those days....

"K" Fingerett said...

Hehe! Love this one!! I wasn't gonna comment 'till I reached the top [since I started from your first post...] but I had to stop and leave a comment for this one :)
